Glad you have decided to check this page. It is win win for all if look after your health. You win because you feel good , NHS wins as you will be in the healthy group and we (the practice) wins as you do not need our expertise.
So first let us look at your physical state: Adults.
Record weight and height and obtain your body mass index (BMI) from an online calculator or go to Better Health – NHS (
If your BMI is above 25 (or above 23 if asian) you have some work to do. You need to lose weight to attain healthy BMI.
If you smoke, you need to realise it may reduce your life expectancy as it may cause or aggravate heart and lung problems amongst a lot of other harmful effects of smoking. More information about quitting at Better Health – NHS (
Exercise is good for everyone as it tones muscles, improves circulation, allows you to burn calories and generates endorphins which will make you feel good.
Alcohol intake: in small doses it is fine but binge drinking and exceeding government guidelines limits may cause harm particularly to your liver. More information at Better Health – NHS (
QRISK score : This is calculated using a few parameters some of which you can make a change. The latest calculator includes some existing conditions you may have. You can use an online calculator QRISK3-lifetime and this will give you a percentage score once you have entered data. It needs your cholesterol levels and your blood pressure readings but you can always ask a health care professional when you attend surgery if you want to know your score. A score above 10% calls for interventions to improve your lifestyle. eg stopping smoking, losing weight, exercising more. Check this link Wellbeing | Healthy Living | Kirklees Wellness Service
What does the score mean: A 10% score means you have 1 in 10 chance of getting a heart or cardiovascular problem eg stroke in next 10 years.
HbA1c: This is a measure of your average blood sugar in last 3 months. If your level is between 42 and 47 you are classified as PREDIABETIC which means you may develop diabetes but do not despair as there are things you can do to reduce your chances. It again comes down to reducing weight if BMI is above normal, exercising more and reducing carbohydrates in diet. If your level has been in this range, a care cordinator may have contacted you to join NDPP (National Diabetes Prevention Programme) but if you have been missed out or did not take the offer, you can still contact surgery to join the programme. Check this link for more details NHS England ยป NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP)
Mental Health: Apart from seeing a doctor if you have anxiety issues you can always self refer to IAPT services. This can be done on line or phone. Check this link
Social Prescriber: If you have financial issues with benefits or welfare or if you lonely, feel free to make an appointment with social prescriber (based at surgery) who can signpost you to appropriated places and venues.